Offers valid until month end unless otherwise extended.
Boxing Day incentives on the whole month of December! Secure offers up to $20,100 off on select 2024 models.
Offers valid until month end unless otherwise extended.
December Boxing Month Savings
on 2024 Models
SAVE $1,500+ on Discovery Sport
SAVE $2,500+ on Evoque
SAVE $3,500+ on Discovery
SAVE $3,500+ on Range Rover Sport
SAVE $5,000+ on Range Rover
SAVE $10,000+ on Defender

Complimentary Oil Changes Valued at $700. Not combinable with other offers. Stock # L24077. $4500 Due at Start. All prices and payments are plus PST and GST. Bi-weekly payments based on a purchase price of $69,515 calculated at 2.99% over 84 months O.A.C. Representative Finance example: $69,515 at 2.99% APR equals 182 equal payments of $399. Total Cost of Borrowing: $3,103. Factory Order may be required. Offers valid until month-end unless otherwise extended. See Land Rover Winnipeg for verification of any information listed herein. Dealer permit #0112.
2 Complimentary Oil Changes Valued at $700. Not combinable with other offers. Stock #L24099. $1750 Due at Start. All prices and payments are plus PST and GST. Bi-weekly payments based on a purchase price of $72,475 calculated at 3.99% over 84 months O.A.C. Representative Finance example: $72,475 at 3.99% APR equals 182 equal payments of $429. Total Cost of Borrowing: $5,603. Factory Order may be required. Offers valid until month-end unless otherwise extended. See Land Rover Winnipeg for verification of any information listed herein. Dealer permit #0112.
2 Complimentary Oil Changes Valued at $700. Not combinable with other offers. Stock #L24125. $5500 Due at Start. All prices and payments are plus PST, GST and Luxury Tax. Bi-weekly payments based on a purchase price of $123,478 calculated at 4.99% over 84 months O.A.C. Representative Finance example: $123,478 at 4.99% APR equals 182 equal payments of $769. Total Cost of Borrowing: $16,480. Factory Order may be required. Offers valid until month-end unless otherwise extended. See Land Rover Winnipeg for verification of any information listed herein. Dealer permit #0112.